
It is so easy to see our friends, family and neighbors hurting physically, spiritually and emotionally and say the ever so popular line,

"I'll be praying for you."

Quickly life happens... dinner needs to be cooked, it's time to go to work, kids are calling. There are hundreds of things that take place that cause us to forget or just be side tracked from pressing into God for the things that are pressing on the people around us.

The heart that was desiring to press into God on behalf of the ones we care about is divided and the need is forgotten.

It's not intentional but it is reality.

It isn't until we see a post on Face book or catch a quick glimpse of them that we say "Shoot, I was going to pray."

We get busy and the problems others are facing disappear into the busy day. When I have heard "I'll pray for you" from dear friends, I have taken comfort in the possibility of others lovingly taking my case before God.
I can't help but wonder how often those words are actually followed through on. How many times I have said those same words "I'm praying for you," but just got to busy.

Matthew 5:33-37 (The Message) talks about empty promises.
"don't say anything you don't mean. This counsel is embedded deep in our traditions. You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, "I'll pray for you,' and never doing it, or saying "God be with you," and not meaning it. You don't make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true. Just say "yes" and "no." When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong.

I have been guilty of this SO many times.

When do our words and actions line up?

How do we make sure "life" doesn't get in the way of letting our actions and words line up?

How do we become that friend that really does pray when we commit too?

When you see someone with a need don't simply pass by missing an opportunity to intervene and take their case before God.

Take their hand, look them in the eyes and pray when God has told you too.

The pain they are feeling is something that God is big enough to handle.

If you read on Facebook something that stirs your heart...

STOP!! Pray... then post I just prayed, because you already have. Or simply type out your prayer before you scroll any further.

Allow God to use you in a way that is not embedded in a tradition of Christian talk but is drenched in a life lived with a Christ centered walk. 

When you approach the throne of God on behalf of others, you are not saying that you have all of the answers... you are admitting that you don't, but you know the One who does.

Ask yourself how many times you have felt compassion, love, sorrow for the ones around you, but have given the Christian "line" backed up with zero action.

I urge you today to back up your words with action. Tell your brother or sister you are praying and do it.

Stop where you are and pray.
                                Pray with them.

                                               Hug them!

                                                     Love on them!      
Put actions to your words.

vs. 37 "Let your yes be yes and your no be no."

You can make a difference not because of who you are, but simply by acknowledging who God is!

Be used today!

If you have a friend that you have told you will pray for them... call them and pray with them.

If someone is on your heart and you pray for them.... shoot them a quick message telling them "hey, you were on my heart and I want you to know I've been praying for you today."

Allow the Holy Spirit to be at work in and through your life.

Pray with and for your friends and family. Not out of tradition but out of a life lived in a Christ like manner.

Your prayers are heard. Your voice is known by God. Intercede with and for others.

Lord right now I come before you and ask for forgiveness for the times I have passed by and been to busy to pray. Help me to live a life that offers no excuse for not approaching you on behalf of others. Help me Lord to stop, take a hand and pray now and not put it off for later. Thank you Lord for hearing your children's prayers. Thank you for being a God of compassion and love. I love being your daughter. --Amen


  1. "I'm praying for you," but just got to busy." I used to feel so guilty about saying this and then not following through. So instead of saying to a friend, "I'll be praying," I say "Can I pray with you right now?" Or I email my prayers to friends. Not only to people know you are praying for them but what you are praying. Love your blog girl!
    Hope yall have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    So glad I have gotten to know you this year...Im thankful for you

  2. That is exactly my heart in this blog!! Stop and pray then. When the person is on your heart email, call but do something. There is so much we can do right now, instead of maybe later. God loves His children and He wants us to call on Him.... Now!! Kelli thank you for your encouraging words.
    Lord right now I ask that you come into Kelli's home and fill it with joy and laughter. Fill it with a presence that only you can bring. God she is your daughter, set apart to make a difference in this world with her life. May the aroma that Kelli brings into a room be intoxicating and contagious!! She is your daughter. Give her a joy that could only come from you!! --Amen
    Have an amazing Thanksgiving!!

  3. I love this! So true! Just recently I've actually Tweeted or Facebooked my prayers for friends who I can't see in real life... just stopped what I'm doing and prayed and others have done the same for me... it makes a difference and feels very comforting... Thank you Nicole

  4. Nicole,
    so well said, and so true.
    Thank you for sharing this, particularly closing it with prayer. That sealed it for me.
    Peace and good to you in Jesus' name,

  5. I think you're so right. The best intentions without intentionality can leave us with empty promises. I love that I have been able to pray for people and needs I'd never have known about through social media and that God can use twitter and Facebook to reach our prayers out into this world and connect us even if we've never met simply because we all seek the same God in prayer.
