Day 10: Love Always Protects

My family and I set out on a journey across country to our new home in Kentucky. The truck was loaded and the r.v. hitched behind....

               The anticipation of the move, the daunting task of driving 2,300 miles with five kids, being twenty-seven weeks pregnant, towing a R.V and driving a moving truck was quickly the reality we were facing.

This trip was guaranteed to build character as it began to turn into something right out of 'National Lampoons Family Vacation.'

Within thirty minutes of our drive I realized that the trailer that I was towing had no lights... no turn signals, no brake lights... nothing!

Not a good thing when it is a beast! Our trailer is 32' long so people need to know when I'm trying to get over.

I called my father-in-law from a grocery store parking lot and he drove to my rescue. In the freezing cold and bitter wind he rewired the truck so that our R.V would signal properly.

We were back in business!!! On the road again we went....

             1 mile from my father-in-laws house the alternator went out on the truck.
                                                           Are you kidding me?!!!!

Again, Tim's dad to the rescue. Tim and his dad unhitched the trailer, tucked me and the kids away for the evening with yummy food and a movie as they worked late into the night replacing the alternator.

I was already grieving the fact that we were moving so far away and this trip was not making it any easier.

The next morning we set out yet again... Now a day behind schedule.

We drove all day!

After driving all day we arrived at a place that should've been a good stopping point, however I told Tim we should go ahead and drive another 100 miles to make up some time...
                                     Oh, yes!!!  You know what's coming...... another set back!!!

We were stopped on the side of the road for over three hours behind a horrific accident.
It was late... We were tired... I emotionally was about to go into total melt down....

We searched and searched for a place to park for the night and sleep. We found nothing. Our 100 extra miles was now turning into almost 150 extra miles in the middle of the night.

Tim found a R.V park on the edge of a beautiful river.... Awesome right???

              No... not right. We were parking this beast of a trailer with crying kids, barking dog, and me in total melt down mode, on the edge of a rushing river that we couldn't see because it was pitch black outside.

Tim knew I was feeling very momma bearish... I cried as I tried to help him park the r.v. the entire time thinking we were going to back our family over this cliff into the river I heard raging below.

With softness in his voice, Tim kept reassuring me that it would be okay and that he could get it parked safely.  He then calmly ran from one end of the trailer to the next after each maneuver to adjust the position of the trailer so that I would know how careful he was being.

Now two in the morning, Tim kissed me on the cheek and told me that he loved me and to get some sleep.

The next morning we set out for five more days of traveling.

On day four of our trip, one of our kids had to pee something fierce, so Tim pulled off the road onto an exit for a "quick" stop....

                       After all the kids did their business, Tim put the truck in gear and... and... wait for it...

Yes something else...
              Our transmission was gone in our truck.  This time friends that lived 100 miles away came to the rescue.  We were able to have a great time of fellowship with them as we waited for our truck to be finished in the shop.  Two days before the truck was finished I was able to get to our new home in Kentucky as Tim and Ellie stayed behind.  When the transmission was repaired they hitched the trailer to make the final 400 mile trek to Lexington and halfway through the truck lost power again and they landed on the side of the road.  For four hours Tim and Ellie waited near a cornfield on the side of an Indiana freeway until the tow truck arrived.

Okay by this time I am thinking that we missed God's voice in moving to Kentucky... After all when God asks you to do something it's easy right??? Everything always goes smoothly?!!!!


This trip was speaking volumes to me about what Paul said in 1 Corinthians "Love bears up under anything and everything that comes (Amplified Bible).

The protection of a father was so real to me during this trip. Not only did my husband respond with love in a time that had the potential to severely divide us but the foreknowledge of Tim's dad acted as protection as well.

Tim's graduation present from medical school from his dad was a AAA membership. His fathers heart wanted to 'protect' his children. He couldn't make the trip but he looked ahead to the what if's and protected his son's family the best way he knew how.

On our trip across county we used that AAA membership three times and felt so taken care of by our father.

Often we think our little gestures of love go unnoticed or unappreciated but to this pregnant, over stressed momma I surely felt protected and loved.

My father-in-law wanted to protect his family from being stranded on the side of the road, so he acted months in advance and loved on his children.

This trip was a series of events that showed me how much God loves us. He allows us to walk through things that build our character and cause us to look to Him.

God used other people to "protect" his children.

God used my father-in-law, my husband and our dear friends that drove 200 miles roundtrip to rescue us off the side of the road.

Don't underestimate your role in God's plan.

I believe that just as Tim's father's heart was to protect us over our journey, our Father's heart is to protect us through all of our respective journeys', just as he did on our trip to Kentucky.

The journey isn't always easy and there are certainly times when we feel like we missed the mark, but God acted way in advance just like Tim's dad did.

                           He desires to protect you... His provision and protection was evident on the cross.
He wants to protect you from an eternity separated from Him. He not only wants to protect you from it, He made a way for you to have 'road side service.'
                           He will pick you up at any hour, any time, no matter the cost... He will reassure you and calm your fears as the journey progresses. When you are tired and weary because everything is 'breaking' and falling apart, He will tuck you in... kiss your forehead and tell you to get some sleep.

                         After you've made the choice to keep on pushing ahead trying to make up for lost time, He will bring you to the river's edge and calm your heart with His gentle voice.

                         When all of the signals have quit working and your headed for a disaster, He will meet you on the side of the road and take the time to rewire you and mend the brokenness that has crippled your journey.

                         Just when you think that nothing else could go wrong, He will send others to come along side of you... Offering a safe place to land and rest for your weary soul.

                       When your sitting all alone on the side of the road, it will be there that your Father will meet with you personally. He will play in the cornfield and watch fireflies dance through the air, all why reassuring you that the journey is not yet over.

                       It all starts with a call for help... It starts with your admission of needing a father. You reaching out and saying I need to be towed to safety and need to be rescued from my despair.

The journey won't get any shorter but our loving Father will guide us along the way.

                    Will you call on Him today? 
                                 He offers unlimited tows, free battery (heart) charging, roadside assistance all included when you call on His name.

                    Will you make the call....?

Be intentional about loving today! Let God Love You!!!

 Love always Protects!!!     

1 comment:

  1. OK!!!! Simply incredible!!!! This is priceless! I love it!
