Light onto our path

The thunder and lightening rattled through our house. The sound sent our dog barking, she couldn't see but felt powerful enough to give it notice that she was protecting our house. The thunder had not yet turned to rain but the sky looked ominous with dark grayish black clouds. You could feel in the air something was about to come.  

I loaded the kids up to take them for some late night dessert at dairy queen. As we began to drive the thunder and lightening turned into a downpour. At times I was unable to see the lines that were guiding me on the road. I had to concentrate on the road ahead and block out all distractions. 

Sitting in the back seats were my kiddos eager and ready to experience some yummy ice cream unaware of the dangerous road I was navigating. 

The trecherous road was relentless. Once we arrived we got out of he truck while it was pouring and ran in for some yummy ice cream. Once inside we could sit and enjoy our treat and the beauty of the rain. 

Sometimes in life as we are tucked away in the security of our home, job, life whatever it is for you. We forget that we need to go out into the storm. Face the trecherous rain and trust that God is the author and finisher of our story. He is the one who will complete the work he has started within you. 

As I was driving my kids, they were safe in the back seat and were unaware of the dangers of the road. They knew that they had clear instruction not to yell, no loud talking and to  stay buckled up. I was never questioned by them about why these instructions were given because they trusted me and knew I was taking care of them. 

At any moment they could have disobeyed by yelling, unbuckling therefore unknowingly making a choice to put there own lives at risk. 

Oh how I wish I could be that obedient to God! When he calls me to go out in the storm where the lines in the road aren't clear and just obey. I desire to not question God! Not to ask why I can't unbuckle. 

All to often we tend to feel that little soft, sweet nudge to trust him even when everything is unclear. God has a special, unique story to be written that will be like no other persons. Will we stay in the safety of his loving arms (seat belt) or move out loudly proclaiming we can do it on our own?

When he softly speaks to your heart to trust him.... trust him! He has already navigated the rough road and will carry you to the place where you can sit back and enjoy the beauty of the trial you just faced. It takes time though and won't happen right away just because you are starting to get loud and threatening to unbuckle.

Psalm 119:105 declares, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."
Each step you take will be secure and you can trust him as he writes your story! When you run ahead out of the security of his lamp and realize it... run back, he will continue guiding you. 

 Lord.... Thank you for not expecting us to go through this life alone. In fact thank you that in our darkest moments and with an uncertain future you always go one step ahead of us to light the path. Help us to stay close to you so that the paths that seem to lure us would be lit by the truth of your word. Lord today, navigate my life... I put the seatbelt back on and trust that you are going to allow me to see the beauty of the storm I'm in when it's time. When you start moving in a different direction and lighting up a different path help me to follow. You are great father. A father that delights in his children. I am yours! --AMEN--

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